
What always amazes me is seeing those faces with different colors and forms, but all of them believe in the same thing. Beauty is not what is seen but what has been done. People do not choose to be beautiful or ugly. What they have is what is given to them, so there is no reason to be proud because we think we are beautiful or smart or wealthy. We never really own any of those things (^_^)
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Despite of the fact that I have never seen any of these seasons in real life, based on the films that I've seen, I think Fall is the most beautiful one. Hope to be there walking or cycling with my beloved one someday under the rain of the reddish falling leaves (^_^)
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what is in my head when I'm calm and warm

        Three days ago, I took my wedding dress from the tailor. It's beautiful and I love it. The pattern is like a Hanbok. Well, it is actually a Hanbok, but I think I will only wear the chima. The top will be something more Indonesian, a Kebaya. I'm just gonna need a nice pair of white shoes, a hijab and.. a groom.
         It's funny. I have prepared the outfits but left the most important one. The heart. Sometimes, many times I doubt if I will really be able to become someone's wife. Thinking about my lack of knowledge about how a real man and woman relationship is like. I think I'm not settled yet. On the other hand, I also think that it is the marriage it self which will make me settled. It is a start of new education. 
         Marriage is a contract. Not between the groom and the bride, but it is a promise from the groom to his God that he will take care of her, love her, protect her and listen to her from the day he marries her till the day they both die. It is also a promise from the bride to her God that she will love him, listen to him and let him guide her way everyday till Angel Izroil waves his hand. For something like this, how come many people think to try to get married and see what's gonna happen. How come a girl excuses her boyfriend when he cheats on her or when he says something rude just because she thinks she loves him and the opposite? That is not love. That can't be.

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just a few scratch

Uwwaaaa hari ini aku bisa ngetik di blog lagi setelah bertahun tahun lupa kata sandinya ^^
terakhir kali ngetik sepertinya waktu masih ngampus dan waktu masih unyu unyu banget..

Maintenant je suis en train de travailler a une universite a Solo. J'ai deja travaillee ici pour une annee. J'etudiais la langue Anglais quand j'etais une etudiante mais maintenant je travaille a une place sans Anglais ! C'est triste, n'est pas? mais ca ne fait rien parce que j'ai des amis pour parle a et maintenant j'ecris en Francais^^

Je crois etudier les langues etrangers est tres interessant. J'etudiais la langue Anglais pour la premiere fois quand j'etais au lycee, peut etre j'avais 11 ans. J'etais tres heureux.. et quand j'etudiais la langue Francais j'etais heureux aussi. Maintenant je veux etudier les langues Japonais et Coreen, mais j'ai pas quelqu'un pour parle a. Alors, c'est difficile pour etudier en seul.

Quand j'etudiais a la faculte de lettre a une universite a Solo, je rencontrais une etudiant par Madagascar. Il m'a aidee etudier la langue Francais. Maintenant il est au Jember. Il est un gentil ami^^

Je suis surprise que je peux ecrire cette long texte en Francais, mais je suis pas sure que les phrases sont vrai hehe ^^

Je suis ici (^_^)v

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