Hanbok and Henna: such a romantic couple!

Hanbok is a traditional costume for women in South Korea. Despite of the fact that I disagree with the idea of most Koreans that plastic surgery is okay to look what is called 'beautiful',  and that I try hard to keep in mind that everything in the drama stays only in the drama, and that I don't really like my Korean friends because they are not friendly, I looove their Hanboks. I think they are sooo beautiful. All-covered, vibrant colors and the princess-look of Hanbok makes me fall in love with them from the first time I really saw them.
Here are some pictures of Hanbok I love the most:

Well I don't really like the ones for men. I think suits will look better.

And here is my own Hanbok. I just bought it a couple months ago from an online shop. It's so beautiful and I love it. I just bought the chima and make my own Indonesian jeogori.
I actually think of wearing it on my wedding. It will probably be weird at first as Indonesians usually wear Kebaya on their wedding, but it's all-covered and the top will be Indonesian, so I think it's worth to try^^

And there's one other thing I'm currently in love with: Henna.
Henna is a kind of paste to make temporary tattoo which is made from certain leaves and certain oils. I don't really know the ingredients. I usually buy the instant one.

Hanbok and Henna, they will look gorgeous together, don't you think?^_^

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